Graphics - I started out with Paintshop Pro and 'canned' images and then progressed to Photoshop, so I have various tutorial links here, image libraries and other stuff. Enjoy! Free stock photos:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Foto Search Venus Animated Gif Archive: I don't like animated gifs much unless I make them myself, but I went through a stage where I loved them. This is a good place to find them, sorted by category and size. Graphics and Clipart. Quality resources for beginning web authors. This is one link I've given out over and over again over the years. It's an excellent starting point for those who don't want to do their own graphics. Realm Graphics. nice page sets, backgrounds, bullets, banners, buttons, all those 'b' words. Wonderful for starting to build a page for the first time. Ah Yikes Free Graphics. Cute graphics (if they got over themselves). I hate the advertising etc - and a lot of people would be put off by it, but if you can bear it, it's got good resources. Scream Design free graphics. Limited but very professional graphics, and also includes some flash freebies. You do have to sign up for a 'membership' to log into the free area, but its painless and free as well. Animation Factory. Several thousand animated gifs, available in several sizes/background colours (bonus) free for the asking. This site was better still some time ago, but now you have to pay to get access to everything. The free stuff is still good. The free graphics store. This is a good site that despite the name, doesn't just have graphics. It has javascripts, cgi, java applets etc etc. It wasn't updated for the longest time, but looks like they finally got their act together (like me!) Infinite Fish Textures - Wild site. Very visual and the textures are not going to be everyone's favourite, however if you want something unusual - look here. Comstock Stock Photography Great for ideas, comps or to buy photos for professional work. Just some of the composition will be inspirational. Cooltext: for the graphically challenged amongst us - this is an online graphics generator. Feed in your text, choose some options and voila! (its free too) Iconolog: Do you need an icon? Here's where to look for it. They have them in .co and .gif format, searchable etc - great collection. Tutorials - they get their own page of links! Web | Tutorials | IRC | Fun | Music | Schtuff Last modified 16/11/2003 |